Sunday 12 September 2021

Copy & Paste To Earn $1,337+ Using Google (FREE) | Make Money Online


what's up 60 people it's ndfl i'm a
full-time affiliate marketer
traveling the world full-time right now
i'm in athens
greece now you want to comment down
below i want to use a thousand dollars
too and give me an example of what you
want to do and you can enter to win
thousands of dollars in courses and with
these courses you can quit your job
travel the world or work from home just
ilha muhammad i want to use 271 on
buying gifts for my family
congratulations ilham i'll send you that
course right away subscribe
turn on the notification bell and the
first step
you need to do is to go to
now if you've heard of this website
before we're going to use it differently
so don't worry about it now why is this
important well mangles is an
seo tool that you'll love and seo stands
for search engine
optimization what that means is if you
want to get to the top of
google which pretty much most websites
in the world
want to do you have to use seo
and this is a tool that helps other
people do that
now you're not gonna make a website
you're not gonna spend any money on a
software like this you don't even know
how to use this software
step number two go and click on start
10-day free trial
here you can enter elon
your secret password twice and then you
create your account uh just click on
i'm not a robot unless you are a robot
and if you are a robot watching my
videos subscribe
then click on create my mangles account
now you're inside of mangles and first
of all i want to congratulate you
most people don't even take this step
they don't even do anything
and if you're inside of mangles you
pretty much do better than
99 of people already so step number
all the way at the top you can see uh
settings building invoices
just click on affiliate right here here
you can see that you make 30
commission rate is a 30 day of cookie
and the payout threshold is 150 dollars
but we're gonna crush that no worries
but how much is 30
of what how much does it cost well we're
gonna step over to plans and pricing
and here you can see that they actually
have four
different plans the first one 49 per
month or euros right here
69 euros per month
that's the sex number and the last one
is mangle's agency which is 129
euros per month so that means that you
have a potential of making 129 dollars
per month and you get a 30
commission for that so that's about 40
per month that you're gonna make
now recurring is way different than a
payment i compare it to actually
building a house
and then renting out that house to get
you know monthly commissions coming in
compared to you know you build a house
and then you sell a house
and then you make just one-time payment
instead of getting recurring
revenue coming in and i always choose to
build up
passive income streams that is way
better than the selling one-time payment
i like monthly recurring because every
month your paycheck
gets bigger and bigger and the more you
do this
the more money you will make each and
every month stacking on top of each
like pancakes and i mean who doesn't
pancakes so the next step you need to do
is go over to promo materials as you can
see right here just click on that
and here your affiliate
is right here so just go all the way
over copy this link
the next step is go to and
just post your link right in here click
on enter and here you have a shortened
and it's important because people are
more likely to click on this bitly link
the next step
is to slap that subscribe button smash
like button turn the like button blue
and also comment down below what you
want to use the money
on and you can actually win the thousand
dollar giveaway
and make sure you stay all the way to
the end to not miss any of the steps so
here we go
we're on now i want you to
about who would actually benefit from
this software right here well if you
think about it pretty much
every single website online wants to
rank higher in google
and get more visitors right and there is
you know not
10 000 not a hundred thousand not a
million but actually a
billion websites online that means that
there's so much
opportunity for you to actually go out
and find somebody that needs this tool
but not everybody can afford a tool like
69 per month is quite a lot for like
let's say a startup blog that just
started a new blog they want to make
money with the blog
those are not our ideal customers who
are our ideal customers
are local businesses that actually make
money through local clients that want to
rank higher on google
for their local keywords so the next
step you need to do is go to google and
then for example you can search
austin texas plastic surgery
click on enter and you can see that
already 480 people are searching for
on google now the next step is to
actually open
all of these so hold ctrl on your
and click and control on your keyboard
and click click
click for the top five so now you
opened five different new tabs whoa you
can see
jennifer l walden the plastic surgeon
guru right here
you can see all of these people have 10
out of 10 lips copy paste job to earn money
10 out of 10 noses 10 out of 10 smiles
yo this plastic surgery shop is
awesome you can see we have three more
right here this plastic surgery plastic
now the next step is to find the contact
right here so we're gonna click on
contact here contact us right here
virtual consultation
find the contact right here as well now
the next step is to send
a message with your affiliate link
inside of it
and the message that you should send um
i'm gonna teach you a template right now
which is problem
pain solution it's pretty much one of
the most basic
sales scripts that you can write and let
me walk you through it
very quickly so problem is you're not
ranking as
high on google as you want to the pain
of that
is you're not getting as much clients
from your website
your website looks awesome but it's not
bringing in in as much people
as the competitors are and you can even
show them
that they're ranking number four number
five and you can tell them that the
top three search results in google
gets eighty percent of the traffic so
that means that you may be ranking four
or five
but you're not stepping into that high
traffic level
and then you could say what you can do
is use this software
and then put an affiliate link in there
and because you have brought so much
context into this equation they'll have
a high likelihood of actually checking
this affiliate link and you can send
this email to a
ton of people online as you might
anywhere in the world for free and make
some money so
those are the steps you need to do in
order to make money with this
for free anywhere in the world so you
can make some money
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