Thursday 16 September 2021

Make $25 Per Minute Online | Earn Money By Typing Text

you're gonna grab your phone or your
laptop open them up find a nice quiet
start typing
submit and then collect your money it is
that simple guys and this is an
incredible video you're not want to miss
i'm going to show you how you can start
making money just by typing words and
we're talking 35 to 80
a day repeatedly and the beauty of it is
you can do this anywhere in the world
this is worldwide but remember guys in
order for you to make this type of money
you're going to have to follow the steps
do not skip any part of this video i
don't want to see you miss out on an
opportunity to make the most money you
possibly can using this incredible
strategy the sign up process is
absolutely free there's no money coming
out of your pocket you don't need to
have any writing skills or anything like
also i'm going to share with you a
second bonus website somewhere along
this video that's gonna more than double
your earnings doing the exact same thing
using the exact same strategy so i'm
extremely excited about this video today
guys and let me ask you something if
it's your first time visiting my channel
my name is victor paredes i am a
youtuber that makes videos and content
about making money online so if this is
your first time visiting my channel
and you want to learn exactly how to
make money online in many different
types of ways tips and tricks
all kinds of different strategies that i
implement go ahead and hit that
subscribe button right now and
annihilate that notification bell so i
can send you an update and a
notification whenever i come out with
new content so you don't miss any of the
magic alright guys without further ado
let's jump into this video you found a
quiet place no distractions great you're
gonna open up your laptop or even your
smartphone this actually works on both
ios and android devices and in this
website you're going to be checking out
your typing skills but don't skip
because i'm going to show you exactly
the settings you need to set this actual
site on to get the most money okay so
don't skip ahead guys this is super
super important so this website will
check your typing skills in one minute's
time this website also has a hundred and
fifty plus million test takers so it's a
legit website it's been around for a
while and this is the go-to website that
that people go to all around the world
to check out their typing skills so we
can start making some money we're gonna
do exactly this you're gonna we're gonna
check your typing skills in a minute
okay now the name of this website is go ahead and go to
straight to
go there right now pause the video and
then come right back because i have to
walk you through the next very important
steps all right so you're going to click
on typing test right here now you can
see this it automatically defaults to
one minute test and a medium text all
right if you hit this arrow right here
this drop down arrow right there you can
see that you can do a two minute test a
three minute test a five minute test and
a 10 minute test now here's a strategy
guys you can also do medium text
hard text easy text benchmark tricky
spelling blind typing story typing
themed and professional
well we're gonna we're gonna leave it on
a minute and we're gonna go to easy text
follow along here guys easy text right
there boom so now you can click on start
test we're to go ahead and do that
when you click on start test you're
going to see the text that's going to
come up
that you're going to have to type now
you need to notice a couple of things
here first you can start typing right
away if you want
you have two different modes first of
all you have normal mode and pro mode
you also see a timer right here
right here one minute that will start
counting down as soon as you start
typing now i'm going to put myself on
the spot i'm not the greatest typist in
the world but i'm going to show you
exactly how this is done and as soon as
i start typing
the the timer is going to start
oh boy
there it is
so let's look at my score okay
um as you can see i've got a typing
speed of 40 uh words per minute i was
100 accuracy which is pretty good
because i wasn't going really fast and
so my net speed was 40
words per minute now the average typist
types 36 words per minute so i'm a
little bit above average typist which
isn't bad because i haven't really typed
in a long time right so pretty fun so
now the very next step after you've done
this the very next step is to click on
this right here typing course real quick
interruption guys down in the comments
section tell me what phone you use is it
the ios or is it the android device i
want to know that so i can do even more
videos like this one that work with both
ios and android or if you prefer just
one android video and i can do one ios
video but i need to know how many of you
are using the ios and how many of you
have the android just comment that down
in the comment section right now if you
would alright let's jump back into this
video all right what's cool about this
it gives you all these lessons on how to
learn how to type okay now don't don't
get confused okay this has everything to
do with how you're gonna make money
online uh when it's associated with the
next websites okay so this is a crucial
step that you're gonna have to
in order to make the money with this
strategy and remember guys all of these
lessons are definitely free so we
definitely encourage you to you know
take some of these lessons uh before we
get into these money making websites
that we're going to connect with this
particular strategy so anyway check this
out alright so now let's get into the
money making websites all right so we
are on
okay is a website that converts
audio and video to text now as you can
see here the very first job is
transcription it pays 1.25 per minute to
convert audio and video to text
all right and then the next one is
called captions it also pays a dollar 25
per minute to caption videos and the
last one is foreign subtitles three
dollars of seven dollars per minute to
translate your videos for with foreign
subtitles now that pays more because
that's much harder to do right all right
so you have an idea of what the website
is about what i want you to do is scroll
all the way down to the bottom of the
site okay and i want you to look at
become a freelancer right here at the
very bottom of the site okay i want you
to click on that
all right when you click on that it's
going to open up the rev freelance site
jobs let you work from home anywhere and
with rev
i've done videos on rev by the way guys
and this is one of the most legit
websites out there okay with rev it
allows you to create a flexible work
schedule there's hundreds of jobs to
choose from and you get paid weekly all
you're gonna do is become a freelancer
with reb you're going to type in your
name here your email address position
the country remember this is worldwide
okay and then you're going to hit next
you're going to set up your free account
and you're going to learn here by these
free tutorials on how to type faster all
right with this particular system now
i'm going to pull out my calculator so
guys imagine earning a dollar 25 per
minute okay now i've got the calculator
now the typical transcription job is
four to five minutes right if you're at
a doll
1.25 a dollar 25 okay now let's say
times 5 minutes equals
25 cents and let's say you're able to do
five of those per day you multiply that
by five and that's going to give you
in that day for
doing transcription and typing that's
actually really good making 31 dollars
as a side gig typing now the more you
learn from this typing this free typing
lessons the more you're going to earn
the more you learn the more you earn
okay the better you get the faster you
get the more the more money it's that's
going to translate into so guys you've
got to look at this the bonus website is
transcribe you
can see this is another huge website
it's been around for a while as well
very legit they do data annotation
transcription translation and all data
sets okay now if you keep scrolling
through the website it gives you all the
information about the site and about all
of the offers so what you're going to do
with this site is you're going to scroll
back up you see where it says jobs right
here you're going to click on jobs all
right you're going to click on jobs and
then this is the site you're going to
see you're going to click on get started
and you're going to register just like
you did on i'm not going to go
on all the details because
but this is all of your personal stuff
but you'll get down to the country right
here you can see it's full of the
worldwide countries all the way all over
the globe guys all over the globe all
right and then you're going to select
your language in the language you're
going to be transcribing in and then
you're going to create your profile
and you're going to start getting gigs
or jobs now
the original website
that the
remember is plays a crucial role
because the amount of money you're going
to earn on and transcribe
is going to be directly affected by your
typing skills so you're going to go
ahead and take these typing skills
you're going to practice get better and
that's going to increase and even double
your income free lessons here guys take
them and then go to and
and start earning money now this is a
great way to make money online in active
income you have to create an act like
typing to get paid it's a great idea but
if you want to learn how i'm making a
completely passive income an income
that's being generated
while i even sleep
or while i'm on the beach on vacation
with my family and friends that is a
true passive income guys
okay where the money's working for me
and i'm not working for it anymore all
right so click on my link down in the
description of this video
and it'll take you to the very next step
and remember guys it's time to invest in
your business and it's time to invest in

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